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AHA moments help create shifts in our thoughts and beliefs. That's transformation. That's the beginning of a new way of living.

But, it's hard to change your life or yourself when you don't understand those underlying thoughts.

Transformational Coaching uncovers the thoughts that have directed your life - until now.

My sessions are filled with AHA moments where you can rediscover who you are and who you were born to be. The process doesn't take long for seeing remarkable change.

I promoise a profound experience!

I've lost a dozen friends to drugs and alcohol in less than four years of sobriety. Statistically only one in ten people will successfully be treated for their addictions.

I'm one of the lucky ones.

I often call myself a "grateful alcoholic - not because I'm an alcoholic - but because of all the things I've learned in recovery. and a big thing I discovered is that alcohol wasn't my problem. It was the solution to my problem!

What was the problem? Me - my lack of coping skills and my unexamined thoughts and beliefs.

I've rediscovered my true self, gathered a full tool box of life skills and found my purpose.

I'm also the happiest and most content I've been in my life.

And I want you to feel the same way - happy, joyful and free. Free from depression, from anxiety, from addiction...and especially from fear.

That's why I went back to school to become certified as a Life Coach, Transformational Coach and Spiritual Sobriety Companion (iThirst). To help others the way I needed - and received - help.

I'm also dedicated to Recover Loudly and am now a national speaker on prevention and share my life's expereiences - to stop the shame and stigma of addiction/alcoholism and to stop others from dying quietly.

I tailor my programs to cover needs from individuals to corporate and

eductional institutes:

  • Developing personal coping mechanisms

  • Uncovering inner strengths

  • Transforming daily routines

  • Removing negative patterns

All for the end result of establishing a resilient mindset for navigating

life's challenges.



Life doesn't get better - You get better at life!

Kathy H, NJ

"A session with Karen is a true gift to oneself. Her observations are gentle yet direct. Her intellect makes quickc connections and her heart can relate those connections to you, to help you dislodge and move towards creating your best self.
I'm grateful that she is sharing her gifts with 'the rest of us'"!"

Rick S, MD

"I am incredibly grateful for Karen's loving presence, sensitivity, wisdom and insight. She balances both being down-to-earth and embracing spirit, all with a wonderful sense of humor. Her caring, non-judgmental approach helped me to feel fully seen and heard. She listens deeply and helped me gain more clarity around some of the stories that defined me at different times in my life.
Karen is a gem!"

Leonna, NC

"Karen is truly gifted. Her gentle coaching wisdom and delivery changed the trajectory of my career and my life."

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