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"AHA" moments help create shifts in our thoughts and beliefs. That's transformation. That's the beginning of a new way of living.

But, it's hard to change your life or yourself when you don't understand those underlying thoughts.

Transformational Coaching uncovers the thoughts that have directed your life - until now.

My sessions are filled with AHA moments where you can rediscover who you are and who you were born to be. The process doesn't take long for seeing remarkable change.

I promoise a profound experience!

Life doesn't get better -

You get better at life!

Transformational coaching is for those who want to step up to their highest level.

Transformational coaching sessions are for truth seekers. In each session we do a deep dive to maximize emotional growth - going past the false ego and into the recesses of the mind. We’ll work from the inside out to find the root causes of your behavior, and then create a cascade of "AHA!" moments that will breakthrough to fast and exciting growth. This personalized approach will allow you to work through even the most resistant of issues.




Honest that your life has become unmanageable - or you feel something is missing? As your Transformational Coach, I’ll help you recognize what you really want, and how to make it happen.

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Open to new experiences and change.

True growth takes courage to open our

minds, our hearts and our souls.

Growth never originates from a place of

doubt, pessimism or a closed mind.

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Willing to dig deep to get even more

out of life. Transformational (or Deep Coaching) goes beyond regular coaching to get to the root of your thoughts and make significant change. It is not psychotherapy.

Sound like you?

Kathy H, NJ

"A session with Karen is a true gift to oneself. Her observations are gentle yet direct. Her intellect makes quickc connections and her heart can relate those connections to you, to help you dislodge and move towards creating your best self.
I'm grateful that she is sharing her gifts with 'the rest of us'"!"

Rick S, MD

"I am incredibly grateful for Karen's loving presence, sensitivity, wisdom and insight. She balances both being down-to-earth and embracing spirit, all with a wonderful sense of humor. Her caring, non-judgmental approach helped me to feel fully seen and heard. She listens deeply and helped me gain more clarity around some of the stories that defined me at different times in my life.
Karen is a gem!"

Leonna, NC

"Karen is truly gifted. Her gentle coaching wisdom and delivery changed the trajectory of my career and my life."
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