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I live a life of

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Joy & Freedom!

I recovered my happiness, my purpose, my true self -
I recovered my life

Hi, I'm Karen Rubinstein, a Recovery Life Coach dedicated to helping you reclaim your happiness and purpose.
Having personally overcome lifelong depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, obesity and alcoholism, I have the knowledge and skills to help guide others on their journey to 'recover their life'—just as I did.

I'm also dedicated to recovering  loudly - writing and speaking - to help stop the shame and stigma of addiction/alcoholism and to hopefully stop others from dying quietly.

I'm since I'm the happiest and most content I've been in my life, I want you to feel the same way - happy, joyful and free. Free from depression, from anxiety, from addiction and especially from fear.

Transform and Recover Your Life -
Click Image for Free Workbook!

“There is no problem so bad that

drinking can't make it worse.”

Read about Karen's journey in Amazon's best-selling book -
"Inspiring Women Professionals Who BossUp"

Women who have broken the mold to achieve,

overcome difficulties or inspire change through relentless endeavor.



My mission is to empower individuals struggling with addictions or mental health issues, such as depression or anxiety, by fostering an understanding of how their thoughts and beliefs influence their actions.

Through empowerment and the rediscovery of their true essence, I aim to support individuals on their journey towards healing and self-actualization.


My vision is to cultivate a society where individuals are equipped with the knowledge and tools to address the root causes of addiction and mental health challenges. By educating the public that drugs and alcohol are not the problem, but rather symptoms of underlying traumas and inadequate coping skills, I envision a community where holistic healing and support are accessible to all.

"Helping you recover your life!"

Karen Rubinstein LLC - Recovery Life Coach | 908-882-2810  |  Summit, N.J., 07901

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