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Abuse + Trauma Doesn't
Need to = Addiction

Are you isolating, avoiding emotions or self-medicating?

I've been there and thought that's the way life was. I had no hope that it would ever change.

But, it doesn't have to be this way.

I've learned coping and life skills that have turned my life around.

If you want to wake up each morning happy and excited about the day; if you want to be joyous, happy and free - I will show you how.

I can't promise you life will get better. 
I can promise you - you'll get better at life!

Karen Rubinstein is - Honest, Open & Willing 


mental abuse

emotional abuse

physical abuse

sexual abuse 

psychotherapy abuse

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Me - at a winery in 2013




night terrors

sleep paralysis


suicide attempt



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Detox Intake Photo 2020

healthy body








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Authentically me - 2023

I'm Not Special. 

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It Isn't Hard. 

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Y ou Can Do It Too.

My journey to wholeness began with being honest, open and willing.

Starting with those first three steps I was able to form a strong inner foundation. I had to be honest and admit I needed help. By being open and willing I allowed myself to finally stop trying to control the world, to listen to others and be willing to do the work needed to heal. 

The steps I've taken - emotional and spiritual work - have healed

my body, my mind and my soul.

My life has transformed from addiction(s) and pain, to hope and purpose.

I LOVE life again - and you can too. We're on this path together.

I've helped others change their lives like I did. If you would like to
transform your life, just click below:

*A Life Coach gets you from point A to point B. Transformational Coaching helps you understand why you want to.

Transformation is about discovering who you are - finding purpose and meaning. Transforming yourself - transforming your life!

Step by Step


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This first tool of transformation digs beneath the surface.

We explore, uncover 

and start to unearth your

true self.


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We start to discover old negative thinking patterns and behaviors.


Together we start planting the seeds for healthful emotional living.


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Your true self begins to emerge! Old habits are being discarded.


You use the life skills you've learned to nurture and support your growth.


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You feel whole and at peace with life. You have an understanding of yourself and your life purpose.

Utilizing  your new skills you begin to  enjoy life fully!

Man Walking in Fields

Ready to take the first step?

Click below for your personal emotional awareness quiz and receive tailored tips and practices to nurture your well-being!

Certified Spiritual Companion

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